I have literally seen destiny become, in a writer’s pen. I’d like to draw you to the zone of inspiration. It’s gives meaning to the word, ‘greatness’ and ‘purpose’ to the heart in pursuit of happiness. A greater sense of ownership possesses one’s soul when they find the rhythm to their life and the ultimate call to become what Heaven has ordained. It’s a beginning created in the secret place of God. A molding like no other, its cause comes from the Highest.

There’s a place a man, woman and child can go to where ‘the desire of becoming‘ thrives.

You are your writer’s pen. Your heart is writing even as you sit to read this. You are writing a new page as every second goes by.

When the sanctification of the Lord calls the heart, this sanctification brings pureness of desire which is driven by the Holy Spirit. What does this have to do with the writer’s pen — You? It has everything to do with understanding the desire of Heaven for your life.

No greater cause than the one Heaven has appointed to you. No better place to begin than NOW! Reach out, dance, laugh, talk, sing, clap, run, walk, jump — do something with it but don’t sit still with zero expectation. The only way to produce something from nothing is to become that something within first.

May be you’ve messed up so badly you just can’t see yourself starting over again. However, freshness and healing is within grasp when you understand that you are the writer’s pen. You can write a new love song, a story that inspires others, a word of wisdom transforming lives, a monument of encouragement and honour for those who seek meaning. You are the force behind what counts to bring about your heart’s desire.

Desire is meaningless if it never goes beyond just a thought. And that’s what you’re supposed to do. Excuses mean refuses. Blaming others is the loser’s game. Look to the light. Look to inspiration. When you write, then change will come. When you decide what it’s going to be — it’s going to be internal first, then it will be — IT WILL BE!

Now get writing,

It’s time you made a difference in your life and someone elses.

Your writer’s pen awaits you


Norman Sabadi






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